Browse Items (187 total)

NYA Black Welders.jpeg
Three young black men receiving welder training from the National Youth Administration in New York City.

NYA Parade Float.jpg
Parade float decorated to promote the National Youth Administration

Joel Bolton WWII Draft Card.jpg
WWII draft card listing Works Progress Administration as employer.

Alaska WPA Newspaper.pdf
Newspaper article informing the people of Nome, Alaska of President Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration federal application for Public Works Administration

WPA AD.pdf
Newspaper advertisement promoting all the jobs available within the Works Progress Administration

Atlanta Georgian Cumming Article.jpg
An article detailing Governor Brown sending militia troops to Cumming to quell the race riots happening

A band playing in the street

Klan members gather in Washington, D.C. for a parade

Photo taken 10/2/1912. Although not identified by the newspaper they are believed to be: (Left to Right) Trussie (Jane) Daniel, Oscar Daniel, Tony Howell (defendant in Ellen Gracie rape), Ed Collins (witness), Isaiah Pirkle (witness for Howell), and…

Michigan Sundown Sign.jpg
A sign in Detroit, Michigan created by white community member in an attempt to prevent African Americans from moving into the community.
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