Misuse of Funds By Klan Leaders Charged in Letter: $100,000,000 Collected and Practically None Left in Treasury, Committee Claims. STEP TO RECOVER FUNDS IS PLANNED Federal Court Suit Urged in Letter Signed by W. F. Brandt; Political Motive Denied.…
This is a newspaper article from 1921 discussing the rise of popularity and power of the Klan. They give their mission statement, citing the purity of women and the supreme status of the white man.
FIGHT IS BREWING AGAINST SEATING OF TEXAS SENATOR: Charges That Earle B. Mayfield Exceeded Legal Expenses in Nomination Fight, Basis. KU KLUX KLAN ENTERS INTO CONTEST ALSO Though Mayfield Says He's Quit Klan, Some Say Klan Oath Conflicts With…
CORRUPTION WIDESPREAD, BOYKIN CHARGES: CONDITIONS HERE 'DISGRACE' CITY, SAYS SOLICITOR Charges "Corruption and Graft Exist in Every Depart of Atlanta's Government." ALLEGED $10,000 PAYMENT PROBED ... Predicts "Those Who Have Been Preying on Us Will…