Capitalism in the 1900s

Dublin Core


Capitalism in the 1900s




Primary sources showing how capitalism was viewed during the early 1900's


Heather Davern

Collection Items

Pyramid of the Capitalist System
A socialist poster describing the capitalist system by showing the rich benefiting from the poor.

Child Labor Emancipation
Wilson signed the National Child Labor Law on September 1, 1916.

A Letter from an Atlanta Socialist
Article from the Jeffersonian Magazine where the populist author is addressing questions from a socialist.

Kick Out the Incompetent!
Black and white illustration of a laborer kicking capitalism and taking over industry.

Close the Gate
A political cartoon from the First Red Scare advocating restrictions on immigration.

Sock it Hard
1919 U.S. newspaper cartoon: The American Legion prepares to hit a ball labeled "Bolshevism" with a rifle butt labeled "100 percent Americanism." He stands above a quote from Theodore Roosevelt Jr.: "Don't argue with the reds; go to bat with them and…

Five Socialist Assemblymen
Five Socialist Assemblymen expelled by New York State Legislature
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